Friday, September 5, 2014

Awaken Products Through Wake Up Now Explained

What is "Awaken" Energy Products?

Wake Up Now is an exclusive distributor of products with some exclusively sold through the WUN hub which can only be accessed through a national or local distributor. Awaken is a line of high end energy products offered through this company similar to Herbalife offering their own products. However, it's much cheaper with a different name. They have cool products like Awaken Tropical Burst, Thunder, Awaken Citrus Rush, and Awaken Arabica Black with more to be produced in the future. If you look at the Wake Up Now company as a whole it's been in existence since 2009 and their products are just beginning to gain solid ground. However, the top dominating energy drinks are still Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar with everything else following behind those three.

So why should I try Awaken Energy Products?

Well one of the main reasons you should try them is because you can become an independent distributor of them. This means you earn money to simply distribute this healthy energy alternative. The second reason is it's a healthier alternative to energy and you won't be injured, die, or have disabilities following consumption of the product. Third reason being it's cheaper and more affordable than the latter 3 which puts more money into your pocket. You can drink Red Bulls, Monster, and Rockstar all day however they are not going to put money in your pocket.

Another reason is the product is NEW! This means you have an OPEN market to share it with. When you go to the movies do you go to watch and see an OLD movie or a NEW movie? Most of the time a NEW movie especially if your a movie buff like me. My last and final reason is it's a much healthier alternative to the other brands and providing your body with stuff that it really needs as oppose to stuff it really doesn't.

Red Bull contains more additives and stimulants that have been proven to cause issues with peoples heart and health you drink it extensively. It has also been noted to cause a couple deaths, with one recently highlighted with Cory Terry. Another lawsuit was filed against Monster energy in 2012 after a 14 year old girl died following guzzling 2 Monster beverages in one sitting. I figured that Rockstar was safe after seeing the results of 2 of the most popular beverages, however the FDA released data in 2012 linking 13 illnesses and 2 long lasting disabilities to Rockstar Energy.

What are some of the health benefits of AWAKEN ENERGY products?

Awaken Thunder has only 10 calories and 2 grams of sugar. It contains B6, B12, B5 which all help regulate energy in your body. B6 activates enzymes responsible for producing energy, neurotransmitters, red blood cells, and white blood cells that support the immune system. In fact, it's recommended you take at least 1.3 mg of B6 a day.

Your body needs B12 to make neurotransmitters, hemoglobin, and DNA. This vitamin lowers your levels of homocysteine (which in high-levels has been linked to an increased risk in cardiovascular disease) just like B6, however it does it in a different way. Vitamin B-12 helps convert homocysteine into S-adenosylmethionine, or SAMe, which is essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin and vitamins. SAMe is used to treat osteoarthritis and depression and may help relieve pain from fibromyalgia. You should have about 2.4mcg of B-12 a day. 

The health benefits of Vitamin B5, also known as Pantothenic Acid, include the alleviation of conditions like asthma, hair loss, allergies, stress and anxiety, respiratory disorders and heart problems. It also helps to boost immunity, reduce osteoarthritis and signs of aging, increase resistance to various types of infections, stimulate physical growth, and manage diabetes and skin disorders.

This product contains a natural source of caffeine 80mg, Green Tea 50mg, and Chokoberry Extract 25mg to give you the boost of energy you need to get through your day right and healthy!

To view the contents of the rest of the AWAKEN products...SIMPLY click on the links above for the products your interested in. 

Do I have to become an IBO in order to purchase AWAKEN ENERGY products?

No you do not have to be an IBO (independent Distributor) in order to try our products, in fact you can sign up for a FREE ACCOUNT and get direct access to the WUN SHOP. You will find all the products listed in there. If for some reason you really like the products and would like to distribute them as well, than at that point feel free to sign up and earn commissions from the products. My whole purpose of writing this article is to give you a brief understanding of what type of products WUN is producing and working on in the future. With some much technology and emphasis on health and fitness it is important to stay on top of the times and provide value to people searching for something other than a convenient store fix. 

WUN has hopes to provide products to the market that can actually be beneficial to the communities and people who consume them. I hope you found this article helpful and if you have any questions regarding our products, how to get involved with Wake Up Now, or becoming a distributor feel free to let me know and/or contact me via email at My name is Jesse Stewart and I am pretty fast on responding via email and I hope to hear from you soon, until next time stay healthy, strong, and energized!

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